Landscape Alliance Ireland is an informal partnership of individuals,
non-governmental organisations, representative organisations and public
officials, committed to quality in our shared landscape, present and
future and to the view that landscape must be considered in its totality:
urban, suburban and rural rather than the present almost universal
piecemeal approach.
Objectives include providing a platform for open, broad-based discussion
on all dimensions of landscape quality, stimulating and encouraging
such discussion and debate and thus ensuring that concerns, problems
and solutions relating to landscape management are brought to the
notice of those who exercise control over, or are involved in any
way, with landscape change.
Landscape Alliance
Ireland is committed to the formulation and implementation of landscape
policy at local, regional, national, European and international
level to facilitate the development of a framework approach within
which effective total landscape management can be achieved.
Landscape Alliance Ireland :
- Organises
Landscape Fora offering the most diverse range of presentations
on landscape quality available today, and the proceedings
of each forum are audio recorded and subsequently
published in print and on the world-wide web.
- Facilitates
networking among members and non-members at a National and
International level.
- Prepares
submissions at local, regional, national, European and international
level on many issues that impact on landscape quality.
- Engages
actively in research into all dimensions of landscape
management in Ireland and Europe.
Membership is
open to all of those with an interest and/or commitment to
sustaining and enhancing the quality of our landscape.
Information on
our current activities can be viewed on our notice board.
information on Landscape Alliance Ireland together with memebership
details can be obtained from our