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FOR 1998 |
Preface | |
Address "I am simply highlighting the fact that legislation alone
will not solve the problems we have in managing our landscape. Landscape
is too diverse, too complex for a simple legislative fix, there are too many
players, each of them nibbling or biting at the landscape and the end result
is the cumulative effect of many actions, big and small." | Terry
O'Regan |
Legislation, the Protector of the Irish Landscape? "I think
the national authorities ought to display an enthusiastic willingness to
apply and enforce that which is already provided for in the existing European
legislative framework in relation to dimensions of landscape." | Dr.
Sara Dillon |
Ireland Land Trust "One of the significant attributes of the
Land Trust arrangement is that it is a voluntary process - the farmers
come to the process and work with the Land Trust and agree to the imposition
of certain restrictions on the farm that will prevent future development." | William
Roper |
Landscape Quality within the Existing Legislative Framework "Spatial
planning . . . recognises that economic, social and cultural activities interact
with land to shape our space and proactively interacting with the management
and development of these activities is very much a part of managing landscape
quality " . . .at the operational level I believe we have to expand
considerably on the traditional development control system and incorporate
a much more flexible proactive, integrated management of the landscape in
its broadest sense" | Gaye
Moynihan |
Landscape Management in Ireland "Holistic approaches call for
balance between the different forces at play in the landscape and also call
for environmental considerations to be integrated with the different
sectoral policies. This can also be considered as an attempt to integrate
conservation and development at the landscape level." | Ferris
Jay |
in the Irish Context "Mankind and the Landscape are 'Us'. The
Sustainability concept helps us to address the false duality in this
respect. We begin to develop not a singular, but a richly layered perspective
on our surroundings and on our place in that context." | Brian
Rogers |
Character Assessment In Northern Ireland "Every part of the
countryside has its particular assets and its own value to the local people.
Each area has its own identity and it is through people recognising
that identity of local areas that they come to appreciate and understand
their landscape." | Joyce
McCormick |
A Design Process As Youth Empowerment " .the programme seeks
to weave together the strands of basic design, self knowledge, environmental
awareness, conflict resolution skills, community building skills, intercultural
communications and the most positive, powerful, basic and lasting of any
motivational factors: spirituality." | Erik
van Lennep Hyland |
In Arcadia Ego "The outer landscape was mapped and charted between
the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries - even into the furthest regions
of the heavens. The inner landscape has opened up in this century to the
un-ordained through secular enquiry into the realm of consciousness."
| Des
Gunning |
Shui In The Landscape "The quality of that chi is something really
important and there are many ways of ensuring that that chi is of high
quality and can create health. Good quality chi provides us with a healthy
environment, and there are certain aspects that will interfere with that
chi." | Anne
Walsh |
Quality, SACs, NHAs, and SPAs [Designations] " .are dedicated for
nature conservation and directly they can achieve major conservation
objectives, - if they can achieve other benefits in other spheres or for
the community as a whole that is incidental to their primary purpose, but
it doesn't by any means mean that they are insignificant."
| Alan
Craig |
For A National Heritage Plan "The scope of the plan has been further
defined to include both the cultural and the natural landscapes, . those
of you here who have a keen interest in the environment and the heritage
are invited and encouraged to make any submissions which you may have
which would influence the development of the National Heritage Plan."
| Kevin
T. O'Connor |
Plant Material As A Commercial Crop "The industry has the potential
of breeding and multiplying new cultivars of native species for our
town and country gardens to combine the visual impact of plants in a given
location with the necessity for more use of indigenous plant species.
| Pat
Fitzgerald |
Co2 And Profound Landscape Change "Excess carbon dioxide emissions
arise from the burning of fossil fuels . Some of the consequences we
have are big temperature rises which are going to have a massive impact on
flora and fauna. The range of species we have now is likely to change quite
rapidly. Species cannot adapt to this pace of change in temperature
and may become extinct or be displaced." | Andy
Frew |
Landscape In The Fast Lane "Look at a landscape, understand the rhythms
that have brought it there, understand how our rhythms will affect it
and from that we can get change, we can get development, we can get growth,
that is in keeping with that landscape and we stop trying to hold them as
they have never been." | Andrew
Croft |
Future Of Landscape Alliance Ireland "My love of landscape and my
passion for what's happening has come from my childhood years, because
a child can sit and form the impression in its totality. The child will sit
in front of a stream of ants going across the ground and he will watch it
for hours and he will watch them carrying the eggs if he lifts up the
stone and will watch them having to move them all". | Terry
O'Regan |
a More Sustainable Environment in Microcosm - in your own Backyard "Do
we plunder our landscape in an attempt to fill our gardens with misplaced
natural features? Dredge the lakes and seashores for sand? Deplete the rainforest
so we can sit on hardwood chairs? Plunder the bogs for peat for our
acid loving plants?" | Thomasina
O'Neill Harmon |
an Experiential Guide "We need to find our fear and our pain, find
the spaces where we are throwing out the hurt that we don't understand
and expecting our environment to reflect it back. This is a responsibility
that each of us have because each of us as individuals stand as part of a
whole." | Pippa
Pemberton |
The Assault on our Footpaths/Pavements by Motorists "In 1992
the village of Glanmire near Cork, was once and for all divested of its through
traffic by a network of new roads that were second to none as regards
engineering excellence. Yet parked vehicles lording it over Glanmire's fissured
and ruptured pavement bear witness to the ever-continuing down-grading of
the pedestrian to the status of a grudgingly tolerated component of
this traffic scene." | Karel
Bacik |
to the Landscape "Good idea, let's make a garden for the blind! Let's
make it smell nice! Let's make it tactile, with different types of plants
they can touch! It's like creating a zoo! It's like creating another kind
of institution! Let's just put the blind away because they can't cope with
the environment! I would say, instead of creating the sensuous garden
for the blind, let's create a sensuous environment for us all to live in."
| Dr.
John Olley |
is Sustainability in Terms of Landscape Quality? " .one way of describing
it is to look at the adage that goes that the land and the landscape are
the same. Landscape in French means 'wise land' so that actually combines
the object and the subject, the person that sees the landscape and the object
itself. Landscape is what we project onto the land." | Mansil
Miller |
Stone Walls "Our history is written in stone, and by understanding
what we have, how and why it was initially created, we learn of its
value, and how best we can repair and maintain it for future generations
to study and enjoy." | Patrick
McAfee |
and Matching Existing Finishes on Old Walls, Houses and Outbuildings
"Stripping renders (external plasters) and exposing stonework: An absolute
mania in Ireland at present: "the cult of the naked stone worshippers".
Often the stone exposed is poor quality - field stone or rough rubble.
Furthermore it is often poorly laid, as the mason would have known it was
to be rendered - and therefore would have built it "rough and ready",
not carefully." | Conor
Rush |
Placenames "By their very nature, place names are inextricably tied
up with the landscape, not only the rural landscape, but also our more
and more urbanised landscape. The naming of the landscape is a continuum
with new names being formed all the time and some older names falling
out of use, the place names of any given area will therefore date from different
periods." | Donal
McGiolla Easpaig
Tire 2000 "Somehow there is a disconnection and the disconnection
is reinforced by our education system which never addresses the problem of
local design and so on. We don't have that element in our education
curriculum in Ireland. While we might have very worthy things about the ozone
layer and the Amazonian forests, we have very little about our own places."
| Fidelma
Mullane |
Industrialism and the Pastoral Idyll "I started thinking a lot about
paths and the idea of paths and this is my first thought which is just to
cut a path through grass, it seems to be a quite civilised accommodation
between the demands of nature and culture in that you don't have that deadness
of green mood empathy and you don't have on the other hand maybe what
other people might see as scruffy or inconvenient tangles of grass, twisting
your ankle or your trousers getting soaked or whatever, this is an elegant
accommodation between those two nearly always conflicting demands."
| Blaise
Drummond |
Perspectives of a West of Ireland Farmer "It is fast becoming a reality
that we have had enough! We have little more to give, maybe there is a little
left to take from us and now we come to the sheep. Ah those sheep! These
four-legged lawnmowers, the very epitome of destruction! They are out there
in their millions. Somebody is counting them, but he is counting them
very wrongly. We are removing four hundred thousand sheep from the hills,
and there will be no over-grazing, there will be no animals, there could
possibly be no people." | Joe
Rafferty |
Energies and New Construction "Drombeg is an active and powerful
sacred site. For me, the energy lines have a similarity to acupuncture
meridians in the human body. The energy associated with sites such as Drombeg
form the larger energy lines of the country's system." | Stephanie
Bolton |
and the Landscape " .once the importance of playgrounds is recognised
as being beneficial on a large scale to a society and playgrounds are
regarded as a valuable asset to a community rather than a liability. Then
funding and resources can be allocated, while legislation is introduced
to prevent the abuse of a public amenity due to the prevailing compensation
claims." | Milia
Tsaoussis Maddock |
and Nature: Inseparable in the Conscious and Subconscious "I am not
pessimistic. I see humans as being capable of more good things than bad things
and I see the great achievements in the arts as one of the most exciting
things that happened in the universe. Spiders don't write sonnets and
whales don't write operas, but we do." | Francis
Carr |
Regeneration Project "I arrived here this afternoon in the middle
of the presentation before last where the speaker was concentrating
on small playgrounds and the intimate details of the landscape as regards
playgrounds. The next speaker then produced slides showing the world
from outer space. The scale of our project is somewhere between the two."
| Mick
McDonagh |
Island - Temporary Art Works Relating to the Built Environment and Culture
" .she [Anne Henderson] used mirrors on a lake to reflect the light
. The male hand and female hand symbolising the sharing of labour is a way
of representing the relationship between nutrition, crafts and skills
of the island people and the landscape which they worked by hand .This stone
had a lot of significance in local culture and Ursula was researching
a path that she thought existed, folk tales of it existed in the local village."
| John
McHugh |
'n' Landscape, Landscape 'n' Art " .it was very important that it
would be temporary, as my childhood was temporary, and I did not want to
change the landscape in any way, I wanted it to be a part of the landscape
and to return it to the landscape." | Fiona
Butler | "
.I and seven other installation artists and sculptors took over the building
for about two months and made various installations. There was an opening
night when 1,500 people came along and since that evening the local
artists have come together and it has been turned into a Culture Centre." | Antoin
O'hEocha | "The
ancient alchemists thought of the square, being a quaternity, as a totality
symbol. For them having four corners signifies the earth, whereas the circular
form is attributed to the spirit." | Conor
Byrne | "I
believe that landscape exists not only above ground, but is also hidden far
below it . Finding a piece of worked flint and knowing that the last hand
to touch it was five thousand or so years ago gives one a very strong
connection to the landscape." | Gail
Ritchie | "In
recording the landscape as it is, not as we would wish it to be seen, I am
searching for a way of relating to the land which does not involve the imposition
of Romantic values or aesthetics, and hope, in recording these scenes
encountered during a search for wilderness, to find a way of coming to terms
with the inevitable despoliation of it."
| Rosemary
Canavan | |
Landscape Lecture The Role of Public Art in Ireland
"It does not seem to occur to the
mass of people that the landscape of a country is in many ways as much a
human creation as cities and towns are" | Brian
Fallon |
in the Irish Landscape
"However, until as recently as the last century
bats were rarely documented, despite the fact that many bats must have
been sharing their homes with great writers and historians . . . Since humans
first arrived on Irish shores around nine thousand years ago they have
been sharing the landscape with bats. However, untail as recently as the
last century bats were rarely documented, despite the fact that many bats
must have been sharing their homes with great writers and historians."
| Dr.
Niamh Roche |
Under Threat on Land and Sea " .she is now the last of her type in
the world, this Tory Island cow, these cows conform to this characteristic,
a shorthorn type with forward-pointing horns a bit like a viking's helmet.
It's a very attractive animal, certainly more characteristic of Ireland than
a donkey on a post-card which is an import from Asia and doesn't belong
in this climate at all." | Brendan
Price |
as an Indicator of Environmental Quality "Of all the faunal groups,
wild birds are the most useful indicators of environmental quality - because
they are numerous and easy to see; and there are many different species,
all with their own very specific habitat requirements and their own tolerance
limits." | Cóilín
MacLochlainn |
House Conservatory "The circular, tiered plant-stand inside the
conservatory is unique. I have never seen one anywhere else, and indeed the
idea of a conservatory doubling as a plant case and porte-cochere is also
unique in Ireland and throughout Britain. I am sure that you know it
was designed and built by Pierce of Wexford, so it is all that much more
precious to you and the people of Wexford " | Jim
Cowman |
Restoration Project in Croatia "The reconstruction process had already
started and we were just able to stop it on two houses that were not
residential properties but museum houses, because the government solution
was to put concrete flats, like these into those houses. That was very unfortunate
for the houses themselves as buildings, and also for the identity of
the whole region because all of the houses previously had wooden beam construction
inside so the whole interior is changed now in all the houses that were
burned down except those two that we made a special project of for re-use
and reconstruction." | Tamara
Rogic and Bruno Diklic |
Perceived Image of Forestry in Wicklow and Leitrim "Preferences of
the public do not always concur with national forestry development objectives,
so there is aneed somehow for conflict resolution. We have to meet half-way
and on that point I would say that additional research is ongoing to establish
not only 'what' people like or dislike, but also 'why' they like or
dislike it." | Tomás
O'Leary |
Landscape Planning and Design "As far as landscape is concerned,
forests need not be a problem, but rather can be a major attribute for
landscape enhancement and a medium for an aesthetic experience of nature.
It is important to rise to the challenge by developing forestry in Ireland
in a way that is decisively proactive." | Art
McCormack |
Landscapes Around Galway " .woodlands form an important part of the
Irish landscape both now and in the past for reasons of recreation,
contribution to landscape, personal reasons, and for environment and nature
conservation and history. The public would like to see more woodland,
especially of broadleaves, and they prefer to see them in a variety of ages
and species". | Sasha
van der Sleesen |
the Landscape to the Garden Centre Customer "I believe a huge opportunity
now exists for plant centres with a holistic approach to garden retailing.
A new tradition that sees a garden as being a living, breathing, integral
part of our landscape." | Stiofán
Nutty |
Role of Conservation in Modern Ireland "we were on a field trip recently
to Louisa Bridge just along the railway line and along the canal between
Maynooth and Dublin and it ended with about a half an hour's argument
between all of us about whether S.A.C.s actually afford any real legal protection
at the moment." | Billy
Flynn |
Redesigned by Coillte "Wicklow has been planted in plantation forestry
since 1920s so it is a very well established industry there. There's
a lot of employment in the industry and it is the most diversely planted
county in Ireland, and I think that is a very important thing for the future
that we have all got to get greater diversity in the forest, in Leitrim
unfortunately when planting began, it was seen as perhaps as being the best
county for Sitka Spruce in the whole world" | Sean
Hayes |
Silvicultural Systems "When we clear-fell the conifers the natural
recolonisation depends on what the original native species were, whether
it was Birch or Oak or whatever. You are going to get an invasion of
broadleaf in this rotation, and again in the second rotation this would be
more strongly broadleaf, in some cases if this is predominantly Birch the
whole site could be converted to Birch, if and when the conifers are
clear-felled there could be another rotation so it could actually become
100% broadleaf in 40 years time." | Joe
Gowran |
Substance, Less Subsidy! "What is driving the bull-dozing of the
ditches, what they call tidying up the farm, the cutting of trees, making
them all into big fields? The pressure, pressure, pressure is subsidy. I
know I am probably committing heresy by saying this, but subsidy is
destroying the farming community and it is destroying the countryside."
| Johnny
Couchman |
Galway Farmers' Attitudes to the REPS Scheme and Nature Conservation
" .we see that Environmentally Friendly Farming is primarily associated
with day-to-day farming activities such as fertiliser spreading and prevention
of pollution. On the other hand, from the previous question, you can
see that nature conservation is perceived to be something different."
| Tina
Aughney |
on a Survey of Local Authority Urban Tree Management in the Republic of Ireland
"[The Survey found that] 74% of local authoritiess were involved
in up to three distinct areas of community involvement. The most frequently
stated were the distribution of free trees, community tree planting
schemes and tree-related activities with school children. Only one local
authority had established a tree warden or similar scheme, even though
these can be invaluable vehicles for many different aspects of community
involvement." | Mark
Johnston and Kevin Collins |
Records as Indicators of Landscape Structural Organisation in the 15th and 16th
Century "regarding the tudor clearance of woodland. The fact
of the matter is that there is ample evidence not least documentary, but
pollen analysis as well I am told, that in fact there was massive clearance.
What happened was, the land was cleared, partly by way of asset stripping,
partly to meet the demands of the colony's new plantation, and partly by
way of normal commercial activity and of course for strategic reasons
as well." | A.
F.O'Brien |
for West Cork! " .the survey highlighted the fragmentation and
fragility of these woodlands since a small wood which has become isolated
as an ecological island is in danger of being unable to regenerate. Many
of the smaller woods identified are in fact dying woods. However, the
overall trend in West Cork is towards a marginal increase in the quantity
of woodland over that shown on the Ordnance Survey Maps from the last
century, although there is a general decrease in quality with more scrub
woodland and less climax woodland". | Tony
Cohu |
Proposed Heritage Council Process to Identify the Policies and Priorities for
Ireland's Landscape "I suggest that what we all want to work towards
is a policy which not only protects, but enhances those landscapes and
will involve all elements of the community. It is interesting to see the
cross-section of community interests that were represented throughout
the three days here, - all elements of our community in the very long-lasting
and truly sustainable development and management practices that influence
the landscape." | Michael
Starrett |
Party Representatives "A national landscape policy backed up by primary
legislation is one of the principle means of dealing with the range
of issues arising in relation to our landscape in an integrated and comprehensive
way." | Trevor
Sargent T.D | "I
do believe that we must forget about any differences that there are between
political parties and move forward to ensure that we have a proper and effective
National Landscape Policy in the future." | Senator:
Jim Gibbons | "I
think it's important that landscape policy informs the whole range of policy
formation in the country, and therefore I think it would be important to
introduce the concept of landscape proofing in relation to the framing
of legislation and the production of policies generally in the public area
in much the same way for example that gender proofing was introduced as a
concept very successfully in relation to policy formation in that area."
| Eamonn
Gilmore T.D. | |
Concluding Remarks
"The Landscape Forum is a genuine Forum in the true sense of the word,
working in the service of the whole concept of landscape quality." |
Terry O'Regan
of Participants | |
at Landscape Forum '98 | |
The Web Woven - Vernacular Irish Architecture Considered | Brian
Rogers |
Policy, The Legislative Framework - Final Report on L.A.I. Survey | Landscape
Alliance Ireland |
Acknowledgements | |
quotations that appear at the end of each contribution were selected by the
Editor to complement or counterpoint the preceding text.
as are the political jealousies among the Irish, there are few true natives
of the soil who would not resent any charge of coldness or indifference to the
welfare of their country, or of wilful ignorance upon the subject of her
history or antiquities, which might be urged against them. Yet
most of our travelled countrymen are better acquainted with the appearance
of the Rhine than with that of the Shannon; with the windings of the Thames
than with those of the Boyne; their knowledge of these Irish rivers being
probably just so much as may be acquired out of a school geography, while they
have steamed down the Thames, and visited the chief points along the Rhine. We
may venture to say that in like manner there are, even among our Tipperary
gentry, many better skilled in the fortifications of the Rock of Gibralter, than
in the exquisite monuments of ancient Irish piety and art remaining upon
the Rock of Cashel, in their own country; many who, in England, Scotland,
Wales, and upon the continent, have sought mountain air and scenery, when
the Galtees, the Reeks, and the sublime range of the Mourne mountains, have never
cost them a thought. It
must be granted that Ireland, - though generally rich in every point attractive
to the tourist, whether the mere pleasure seeker or artist, antiquary or
geologist, - has generally been described by bookmakers as a country wherein,
if indeed a man might pass in safety, he would still suffer so much from
want of accommodation, etc., that, unless he possessed some presence of mind,
and a considerable taste for the ridiculous, his time and talents had better
be employed elsewhere. These writers were, almost without exception, strangers
to the country, men whose knowledge of the Irish, previous to their visit, appears
to have been derived from the stage, whereon it was, and perhaps still is,
the fashion to represent us as marvellously fond of fighting, drinking, bulls,
blunders, and superstition." William
F. Wakeman, 'A Handbook of Irish Antiquities', Dublin, 1847 |
Turning Point is based on the Proceedings of The Fourth National Landscape
Forum St. Patrick's College, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland 16th/17th/18th
September 1998
Edited by Terry O'Regan
c 2000 Landscape Alliance Ireland & individual authors
The opinions expressed in each contribution are those of the individual author.
Errors and omissions brought to our attention will be corrected in the next
publication of Irish Landscape Forum
by Landscape Alliance Ireland, Old Abbey Gardens, Waterfall, Cork, Ireland.